Food and drinks are an essential part of our daily routine

Food and drink eaten as meals

Until old times there were only two general meals in a day. One is a late-morning meal and one is dinner. Today it has changed. There are 3 general meals. The main meals are breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Another meal is sometimes eaten in the late afternoon which is especially for guest visits.


The main items eaten at breakfast are olives, bread, eggs, cheese, and jams. At breakfast, the main beverage is tea and food includes sausage, tomato, cheese, pepper, cucumber, and many others. The tradition of honey, soup, and cream still continue in some villages.


Lunch contains salads, soups and stew, etc. desserts, food and meat which take a long time to cook are not eaten at lunch.


At dinner, a menu contains salad, dessert, main course, and soup. Dinner is the only meal where all family members sit around the table and it is the richest and most carefully prepared meal.

Names of food and drinks

Many food and drink names are available in the English language and they may vary from place to place. Knowing all the names of food and drinks is not possible. This article will help you tell a few names that will help you have a great time.

1.   Meat, seafood, and poultry

This category includes many different kinds of food items these including beef, lamb, pork, kangaroo, eggs, chicken, lobster, fish, turkey, duck, fast food, burger, pizza, sausages, fried chicken, French fries, tacos, noodles, nuggets, hot dogs, sausages, ice cream, burrito and many more.

2.   Fruits

Fruits include apples, orange bananas, guava, mango, grapes, cherries, kiwi, avocados, coconut, pomegranates, jackfruit, and many more

3.   Vegetables

Vegetables include potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, cabbage, tomato, eggplant, onion, pumpkin, broccoli, chili, beans, mushrooms, carrots, peas, zucchini, cucumber, and many more.

4.   Herbs and spices

Herbs and spices also come in the food category. These include thyme, fennel, chives, garlic, ginger, clove, turmeric, olive, spinach, cinnamon and many more.

5.   Breads

Bread includes hotdogs, rolls, donuts, white bread, wheat bread, bagel oats, breakfast foods, sandwich, waffles, porridge, pancakes, toast, dosa, sausages, juices, berries, and many more.

6.   Lunch food

Lunch food includes rice, tortilla, smoked salmon, pastry, gravy, spaghetti, yogurt, pudding, and many more.

7.   Dinner food

Dinner food includes pizza, ham, burger, burrito, pasta, kebab, salad, and many more.

8.   Drinks

Drinks include tea, wine, coffee, milk, juice, water, orange juices, milkshakes, lemonade, beer, mango juice, smoothie and many more.

5 foods that go perfectly with drinks

Below are the perfect snacks for when you have a glass of drink in your hands:

1.   Mini chicken fajita rolls

2.   Mini duck rice rolls with peanut salsa

3.   Caramelized tomatoes with goat cheese

4.   Chicken and bacon ranch meatballs

5.   Mini prawn cocktail poppadom.

Importance of drink

Water is more essential for the body than food. People who are starving with hunger can live without food but with access to water they can live for a month or longer. It is only possible to survive without water for a few days. You will get dehydrated sooner depending on certain factors.

Importance of food

Food is also very important for the body. They help in staying alive and active. They help in building new cells and tissues for growth. Prevent and fight with body’s infections and heal themselves. In short, they give strength to the body to move forward.

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