The Evolution of Indian Ethnic Wear for Women: A Historical Perspective

Indian ethnic wear has always been a part of the country’s history. Exploring this aspect of Indian culture is fascinating, and there are many things that one can learn from it.

In the past, Indian ethnic wear for women was a custom that was followed by all the communities across India. The costumes were usually made of silk or cotton and worn during festivals and other ceremonies. Women also used these clothes in daily life as they had to stay covered up most of the time due to their lifestyle.

The story of Indian ethnic wear for women is long and storied. From ancient times to the present day, the history of Indian ethnic wear has been shaped by India’s social, religious, and cultural traditions.

The first recorded use of an ethnic costume in India was during the reign of King Chhatrapati Shivaji in the 18th century. At this time, men wore a traditional headdress called a page, which was made up of two pieces: a cap covering all but the face and a turban wrapped around the head and covering the back. 

Women were also allowed to wear pagdi-like headdresses, but they were not permitted to cover their faces with them. The only exception was widows, who wore them as part of their mourning rituals.

Other types of traditional clothing worn by women included sari skirts with elaborate embroidery, embroidered blouses called ghunghat (which could be folded up over the head), bangles on wrists and ankles, anklets with bells attached to them so that women could make noise when they walked downstairs or across bridges without making any noise themselves – this is called jhankar. 

During British rule in India, many changes took place in terms of fashion trends among women. They started wearing western dresses instead of traditional ones, which had become outdated due to their style and color choices being different from what was popular then. 

This led to an increase in demand for Indian ethnic wear for women looking forward to wearing something different from what they were used to wearing every day just because they wanted something modern or trendy at that point in time that was not available within their community. 

Today, there are many different types of ethnic dresses. Some include sari, salwar kameez, lehenga choli, jhola, and many others. The sari is one of the most popular forms of dress in India. Women have worn it for centuries. 

However, it was not until the 1960s that this clothing became more popular among young women. Women first wore the lehenga choli during the reign of her majesty queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603 AD). Today, this style is considered to be one of the most beautiful forms of ethnic designer wear. 


Indian ethnic wear has undergone many changes over time but remains popular today with its simple, elegant design and use of natural materials such as cotton, silk, and satin fabrics. In conclusion, the evolution of Indian ethnic wear for women can be traced back to the days when they were just used as a part of everyday wear and not one’s special occasion wear. 

Buying ethnic wear online is also easy today. The various materials used in making these clothes have changed over time, with different types of fabrics being introduced. However, the basic idea behind these clothes is to make them comfortable and easy to move around in.

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