How to Handle an Office Fight? HR Service’s Top 10 Options

When two employees get into a physical altercation, it can be scary and dangerous for everyone in the office. HR services professionals must be prepared to handle these situations swiftly and effectively. In this blog post, we will discuss ten options available to HR consultants when two employees fight in the workplace.

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How to Handle an Office Fight: HR Service’s Top 10 Options

Ten options are available to Human Resource consultants when two employees fight in the office.

1. Call the police. An HR consultant should always call the police when there is a physical altercation in the office or any other workplace incident that could be dangerous. The police will take necessary action to subdue and de-escalate the situation.

2. Separate the two employees in different areas of the office so they cannot interact with one another further. Have a third party (such as a reputable outsource HR consulting firm, like an HR Options representative) present to monitor each employee’s behavior and language during this time.

3. Investigate both parties involved in the altercation and any witnesses who saw it happen or may have heard verbal arguments leading up to it. Ask questions about what happened leading up to it, seek clarification of any misunderstandings, and collect any written statements.

4. Review the employee handbook to ensure that the altercation is addressed following policies and procedures. Depending on the severity of the incident, disciplinary action may need to be taken.

5. Once all facts are gathered, it’s important to handle each employee fairly and consistently by following established HR protocols.

6. Offer counseling services for those involved in the fight or who witnessed it – this could include an Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

7. If a resolution between both employees cannot be reached, offer mediation as an alternative way to work out their differences in a safe environment where they can talk through their issues without resorting to physical violence.

8. Develop a plan for preventing future office fights by implementing safety protocols such as installing CCTV, setting up clearly defined areas of the office that can be used to diffuse heated situations, and encouraging employees to always remain respectful with each other.

9. Monitor all employee behavior going forward and provide additional coaching for any parties involved in the altercation or anyone else who may need help learning how to handle conflict better in the workplace.

10. Create an action plan for responding quickly and effectively if another fight were to occur in the future – this should involve documenting what happened during the altercation, who was involved and what actions were taken afterwards. Encourage employees to report any incidents immediately so they can be handled swiftly and prevent any further physical altercations.

Following the steps above, HR professionals can help create a safe and respectful workplace for all employees. Office fights are never acceptable, and taking swift action is crucial to ensure the safety of everyone in the office.

It is also important to remember that when employees fight in the workplace, it is usually due to unresolved issues or conflicts. Therefore, managers and HR consultants must proactively resolve these issues before they escalate into physical altercations. Create an open environment where employees can feel comfortable discussing their differences without fear of retaliation or judgment. Provide training on effective conflict resolution and teach employees how to have productive conversations to defuse heated situations before they get out of hand. By doing this, you can ensure that the office remains a safe space for everyone and prevent future fights from occurring.


Q: How can I help resolve employee conflicts before they escalate into fights?

A: It’s important to create an open environment where employees can feel comfortable discussing their differences without fear of retaliation or judgment. Provide training on effective conflict resolution and teach employees how to have productive conversations to defuse heated situations before they get out of hand. By doing this, you can ensure that the office remains a safe space for everyone and prevent future fights from occurring.

Q: What disciplinary action may I take if an employee is found fighting in the office?

A: Depending on the severity of the altercation, disciplinary action may need to be taken. This could include verbal or written warnings, suspension without pay, or termination of employment. All corrective measures should be handled fairly and consistently with HR protocols. Additionally, it is important to offer counseling and mediation services to the employees involved to help them work out their differences without resorting to physical violence.

Q: How can I document an incident if a fight occurs in the office?

A: It’s important to create an action plan for responding quickly and effectively if another fight occurs. This should involve documenting what happened during the altercation, who was involved and what actions were taken afterwards. Additionally, encourage employees to report any incidents immediately so they can be handled swiftly and prevent further physical altercations. Finally, develop safety protocols such as installing CCTV or setting up clearly defined office areas that can be used to diffuse heated situations. This will help ensure that the office remains a safe space for everyone and prevent future fights.

Also read gallerydeptmedia

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