How can everyone play their role in promoting healthcare?

When we think about health and especially physical health, we think that only the doctors and other healthcare providers are responsible for promoting health care. But that is not true, it is not just the doctors who play the role to promote healthcare. Everyone can play their role in this deed. As healthcare is the most important institution.  

It is important for all of us to take good care of ourselves and the people around us. Because so many diseases can be prevented and many lives can be saved if we just take good care of ourselves and dedicate some time from our daily lives to pay attention to our bodies and go to the regular health checkups.

As treating the patient is a doctor’s responsibility, just like that it is the duty and responsibility of an individual to take care of himself. So that he can be active and can prevent the potential diseases that can affect his regular life and productivity. Some diseases can also reduce the lifespan of a person. That is why the most important thing is to keep a check on our health.

Need to care about Mental illness  

In Pakistan there are now many mental health care clinics. You can now find a psychologist in Multan Best Hospital Mukhtar A Sheikh and in other cities of Pakistan. We see that many people around us and in our close circle are suffering from some kind of mental illness. Some are stressed, some are depressed and some are suffering from past traumas. These things can eat you up from inside and this directly affects our physical health. So, when we talk about promoting healthcare, we cannot miss out on mental health. As mental health is directly related to physical health.

There are so many factors to consider while talking about mental health. First of all, it is still considered a taboo in our country. People still do not believe that there is anything like depression and anxiety. So, it is a responsibility of psychologists as well as the normal literate people and the media to raise the awareness regarding mental health. People actually die due to mental illnesses, we have so many cases of suicides which happen due to depression. Many of those cases are of students who take the excessive pressure of studies and commit suicide.

Steps that must be taken in order to improve mental health

All the best hospitals in Pakistan will tell you that mental health is extremely important for our health as it is the major item in the total body. The tiniest component of the human body, the brain is also the most vital organ. To work efficiently, we must take the best possible care of our bodies and minds.

By surrounding ourselves with a group of people who are supportive of our mental and physical well-being and who inspire positive thoughts in us, we may take the best possible care of our health. Make an effort to be with people who are better for your mental health.

Doctors are making every effort to save people’s lives. Although it is ultimately God’s decision, doctors continue to make every effort to preserve patients’ lives up until the very last second. All the best hospitals in Pakistan are working hard to improve their methods and capabilities so they can assist people in achieving better health. People can work for their country in exchange.

The role of government

Healthcare policies are the most important policies for a country. MASH is providing the services of Neurosurgeon, psychologist and best gynecologist in multan. There should be strong and facilitating policies for healthcare and there should be a strong monitoring and evaluation committees for these policies. But unfortunately, in our country when a government changes the policy also changes with the government. And in the end people have to suffer.

Any nation’s government must play a fundamental role in the development of hospitals and medical services. Everyone’s basic needs include it. Due to the lengthy distance between their houses and the hospitals and the high patient mortality rate. Given that this problem is more prevalent in rural areas, the Pakistani government must act quickly in these areas. The fundamental issue in every hospital that results in serious issues is a lack of facilities, a lack of doctors, and a shortage of medications.


Everyone has a responsibility to promote and raise awareness regarding healthcare. Not just the doctors, healthcare providers and the best hospitals in Pakistan, but every citizen can contribute to this cause. Healthcare is important not just for individuals, healthy citizens are the future of the country. The government also has the most important role to play in the promotion of healthcare. 

Also read gallerydeptmedia

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