How to Build an Ideal Article Marketing Strategy?


The promotion of long-form written content such as articles and blog posts is a key part of article marketing. Articles are a key part of a content marketing effort because of their ability to present a complex topic in a simple deconstructed manner.

Many content writers and digital marketers at the beginning of their careers falsely believe that publishing content is the only that matters. A lot of things have to work before and after an article is published to make sure the content reaches a large proportion of the target audience.

Finding ways to promote articles is something most marketers have to do in their line of work. From a top professional at an MNC to a fresher who has just finished a digital marketing course in Delhi, anyone associated with digital marketing has to optimize content reach at some point or another.

Article marketing is the collective of the planning involved before article writing and the promotional techniques used after publication. In this article, we will go through both sides of article marketing.

Keyword Targeting and Content Planning

Before an article goes online, what is often found in most digital marketing teams is the lack of planning behind the creation of a given piece of content. Marketing professionals and content writers themselves look at content creation as a sole act of a process. The reality, however, is that proper content planning is a key part of article marketing.

A content planning process incorporates many different facets of digital marketing.  One key defining factor is keyword research.

Article marketing at its heart is aimed at maximizing the reach of an article. The best way for an article to get organic traffic is by targeting keywords which can be ranked with relative ease.

Finding such keywords is what keyword research is all about. Digital marketers across the board are trained in the practice of identifying keywords which can be targeted and ranked within a short span of time. For a new website looking to rank its content through article marketing, understanding this key fundamental is a part of the process.

In-Content Optimization

The part of article marketing which focuses on the content creation process itself is covered under in-content optimization. Besides using suitable keywords in a given piece of content, other factors such as meta-tag optimization also play a role in in-content optimization.

While optimizing content for keywords, marketers have to account for a metric called keyword density. Keyword density is a measure of the percentage of a keyword in a given piece of content. Ideally, keyword density in a given piece of content should not go over 3%. These fundamentals of article marketing are important for the overall reach of content.

Besides primary keywords, a typical article should also have related keywords in a content piece. These related keywords further address the context of an article and help improve search rankings.

Post-Publishing Promotion

If the right keyword is targeted before writing an article, digital marketers don’t need to worry a lot about post-publishing promotion. However, in case the website is new, high search rankings take longer to come. In such a case, marketers should instead turn their attention to social media channels to promote their content. A strong emphasis on SMO and SMM are essential to an article marketing strategy.

About The Author

Gaurav Heera is a highly accomplished digital marketing expert, lending his expertise to Delhi Courses Academy, renowned as the premier digital marketing institute in Delhi.\

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